Stands, lies, runs

It is possible to develop this exercise to many variants and therefore can be used as a simple warm up or an elaborate improvisation exercise or as a tool for building a situation.

The forming principle is that there are three participants in the space. One is standing, the other is lying down, the third running. All of them have the right to change their activity: cease running and stand up or lie down. The other two need to be immediately responsive so that in each moment all three activities are taking place.

Variation I. - Warm up

The participants carry out the exercise with the aim of immediate response to the situation. The carrying out alone will pose challenges - the participants can cooperate or startle each other however they always need to remember they’re always responsible for a constructive flow of the exercise.

If the number of participants allows, it is possible to add them in the game, in the sense: stands, lies, sits, runs or stands, lies, runs, jumps etc.Pokud to dovoluje počet účastníků je možné postupně účastníky přidávat, ve smyslu: stojí, leží, sedí, běží nebo stojí, leží, sedí, běží, skáče atd.

Aim of practice: becoming present, concentration on the partner, cooperation, warm up

Number of participants: 3 to 6

Time allocation: 5 to 10 min

Variation II. - Situation

From variation I. stems the task to concentrate on situations that already naturally arise. According to the director’s/leader’s need, the participants can feel a myriad of possible microsituations or find one and work it out without words or even with.

The participants that observe the exercise can give comments - either name microsituations or comment on one continuous situation.

In that case it is ideal to choose one commentator who fabulates the situation based on what’s happening. The participants that are moving in space can then work in cooperation with the commentator.

Variation III. - Improvisation on a given theme

First the participants are given a subject or a surrounding for improvisation, based on which they improvise a situation in a full play. The change of modes “stands, lies, runs” must always occur based on a motive.

Aim of practice: creativity, collaboration, improvisation

Number of participants: 3

Time allocation: 15 to 30 mins

added by Jan Mrázek
